b'Tackling Fusarium GraminearumIn June of 2020, Fusarium graminearum wasMeanwhile, ASP recently received funding to run declared endemic to Alberta and was removed froma new fusarium seed surveillance system, which Albertas Pest and Nuisance Control regulations.will collate and publish fusarium results from SGS This change allows government, industry andBiovision, Seed Check Technologies, and 20/20 producers to work more openly and effectivelySeed Labs. towards managing the diseases impact.Seed testing has always been a cornerstone of We moved from a prophylactic, prevention,fusarium management here in Alberta, says eradication stance into a management stance, saysKlaas. The change in regulation has not changed Alberta Seed Processors (ASP) general manager,anything. Its still vitally important that farmers test Monica Klaas. Its not good that its so widespread,their seed. What this project does is take the data but the change allows us to more directly tackle it. from all three accredited labs in Alberta, puts it into a In response to the regulation changes, Albertassingle database, and then maps it all to help industry, Fusarium Action Committee (FAC) is being entirelyfarmers, grain buyers, agronomists, everyone, get reworked to be more farmer focused. The FACan idea of what levels are doing. provides a forum to represent the interests andKlaas says her team will use the results to publish views of Albertas agriculture industry regarding thepre-season interim reports in January of 2021, 2022 management of Fusarium graminearum.and 2023, as well as post-planting final reports each The FAC will tackle new tasks such as updating theyear. The results will be entirely anonymous, linked Alberta Fusarium graminearum Management Planonly broadly to counties or municipalities. However, to reflect the change in regulation and identifyingeven generalized results will help inform producers future needs, says Alberta Agriculture and Forestrysdecision making around fusarium management. chief provincial plant health officer, Krista Zuzak,The big benefit to farmers is that they get to see a FACs co-chair.snapshot of what fusarium levels are doing in their Fusarium graminearum is still an important pest toarea. If youre in an area that is showing very, very manage in farming operations, so work will continuehigh samples, it would mean you really need to pull on best management practices and sharing theout all stops and employ all the best management latest research in fusarium management. Topics willpractices, says Klaas.include varieties, seed cleaning, the importance ofThe success of the program hinges on farmers clean seed, seed testing, and discussion on newgetting their seed tested. ASP encourages farmers science-based information, as it becomes available. to obtain a minimum of a fusarium disease test on all FAC 2.0 is a positive thing, explains Klaas. Itscereal seed.positive that as an industry, were lookingThe seed surveillance project is funded through the at developing and beefing up our existingCanadian Agricultural Partnership until early 2023. management plan. However, Klaas hopes it will become permanent. Wheat Faba BeansAAC Goodwin SnowbirdAAC Penhold Canola Westlock, AB AC Foremost CS2600CR-TGreg & Clifford Cyre Cell (780)
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