b'TRITICALE silageperformance trials and grower directoryAreaYield Category Nutritional DataOverall Sta- MediumHigh tionYearsOverall Low 10.010.1 - 12.5 12.6CPTDNCaPKMgVariety of Testing Yield2 3 4 5 6 (t/ac) (t/ac) (t/ac) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)Varieties tested in the 2020 trials (Yield and agronomic data only directly comparable to Taza)Taza (t/ac) 10.4 10 11.4 12.3 10.6 8.5 7.1 11.3 15.3 9.1 63 0.2 0.2 1.4 0.1Taza61 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100AAC Awesome 12 100 101 102 110 100 90 97 99 123 106 102 96 99 102 117AAC Delight 12 100 95 104 89 98 100 96 103 127 112 102 92 108 83 103AAC Paramount 5 96 106 100 98 XX 88 96 XX XX 115 102 90 102 101 116AC Andrew 12 93 88 97 101 92 86 88 95 121 110 101 92 100 120 121Alderon 5 93 78 102 121 XX 81 93 XX XX 116 105 75 118 100 132Bunker 53 100 98 93 108 101 100 101 98 100 103 99 107 96 97 115Sadash 20 97 97 102 105 91- 94 93- 103 100 105 100 91 95 112 108Sunray 54 101 98 97 105 101 102 100 102 102 104 103 106 102 104 108T256 17 101 100 99 99 101 101 101 98 104 102 101 99 101 92 121Previously tested varieties AAC Chiffon 15 104 119 111 118 92 107 108 103 103 107 100 87 94 109 111AAC Innova 8 104 121 119 123 83 102 95 107 107 108 100 87 106 109 107AAC Ryley 8 97 108 104 87 87 110 86 100 101 103 100 95 106 89 117AC Ultima 7 103 104 98 120 100 XX 109 100 104 110 100 101 93 97 122Pasteur 8 94 110 96 97 84 103 91 99 91 107 103 96 99 107 117Pronghorn 21 102 107 103 114 99 101 108 99 103 103 100 102 99 109 106Tyndal 48 100 101 102 107 99 98 102 99 100 103 100 101 103 96 106Remarks: For explanations on data summarization methods and other information, please see the comments at the beginning of this publication. The yield comparison is expressed in several ways. First, overall actual yield of the standard check in t/ac along with the number of station years of testing. Second, actual yield of the standard check in each growing area. Third, average yield of each variety is expressed in per cent relative to the standard check. And finally, yield performance is also expressed on the basis of environmental productivity (Yield Test Categories of Low, Medium and High). Consistent performance over all Yield Test Categories indicates that a variety may have good yield stability over a wide range of environments. XX - Insufficient data to describe. Over 30 Years in the Seed Business Very Accurate And Fast LoadingTreating Facilities Retail And Wholesale Custom Pollination (Leaf Cutter And Honey Bees)Markert Seeds Ltd.SEED VARIETIESCDC Austenson Feed Barley AAC Viewfield CWRS WheatSirish Feed/Malt Barley * GoldNet Durum * HR WHEAT GP WHEAT DURUMAB BrewNet Malt Barley * AAC Chrome Peas AAC Viewfield Pasteur AAC StrongholdCDC Copeland Malt Barley CDC Inca Peas AAC Brandon KWS Sparrow VB YELLOW PEASOFT WHEAT KWS Alderon AAC ChromeAAC Synergy Barley CDC Meadow Peas AAC Chiffon VB BARLEYAAC Awesome VB CSP Wheat CDC Dorado Flax AAC Paramount VB Esma LENTILSAC Sadash VB CWSW Wheat CDC Simmie Red Lentil * AAC Sadash VB CDC Austenson CDC ProclaimCDC Landmark VB CWRS Wheat AC Morgan Oat WINTER WHEAT CDC Bow HEMPAB RedNet CWRS Wheat * KWS Daniello Hybrid Fall RyeAAC Wildfire HYBRID FALL RYE OATSAAC Starbuck VB CWRS Wheat * *DENOTES NEW VARIETY AAC GatewayKWS Daniello AC MorganRon & Lee Markert YELLOW FLAX KWS ProPowerCDC Dorado KWS SerafinoBox 1150Vulcan, AlbertaT0L 2B0 Dale Witdouck, 403-635-0099,
[email protected] Iron Springs, Lethbridge
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