b'(VUA) pilot program. When producers purchase a VUA varietymeaning they have been moved from one grain marketing and then divert some of that grain at harvest for seed use andquality class to another. This process was undertaken by the plant it the following spring, they will be invoiced a Variety UseCanadian Grain Commission in consultation with industry Fee for use of the variety. Varieties in which a VUA applies areto ensure the varieties designated to a class met the current indicated with the logo. For more information please seequality definitions and reflected the expectations of end-use the VUA website at www.seedvaluecreation.ca. customers of Canadian wheat. Several years of advance notice is provided when this type of change takes place. It is important Variety Cancellation versus Reclassification to note reclassification is not variety cancellation. Reclassified Variety cancellation (often referred to as deregistration) andvarieties may still be grown and receive grades under the class variety reclassification are two distinct processes whichfor which they are designated but must not be misrepresented have been subject to some confusion in recent years. Varietyby declaring their former class. Variety Designation Lists can cancellation is a process in which the Canadian representativebe found at the Canadian Grain Commission website at www.and breeder make a request to CFIA to cancel the registrationgrainscanada.gc.ca/en/grain-quality/variety-lists/.of a given variety. Under the protocol, a three-year notification of cancellation period applies to all crop kinds except hybridDiseases, Seed Treatment and Seed Testingcanola and rapeseed, which require a one-year notificationDisease ratings are compiled from various data sources in period. This timeline provides the Canadian representative andAlberta and other Prairie provinces.breeder sufficient time to ensure seed stocks of the variety haveLoose smut resistance ratings for wheat will not be reported been cleared from the marketplace and producers have beenafter 2020 as its no longer a registration requirement for wheat notified, well in advance, to clear seed from their operations.and routine testing has been discontinued.This facilitates planning and helps to minimize financial risk.Treat rye and flax seed to control seedling blight, cereal seed Notifications are posted on Aug. 1 and the notification period isfor smuts and fusarium, seedling blight and the seed borne from that date forward. Following variety cancellation, varietiesphase of virulent blackleg in canola.are removed from the appropriate Canadian Grain CommissionWheat with Moderately Susceptible (MS) or Susceptible (S) Variety Designation List and are only eligible for the lowest graderatings for common bunt should be treated with a systemic available. For more information please visit the Canadian Foodfungicide as low levels of infection will restrict marketability.Inspection Agency website at www.inspection.gc.ca and the Refer to labels for maximum storage periods of treated seed.Canadian Grain Commission website at www.grainscanada.gc.ca.T reated seed must not be fed to livestock, poultry, or wildlife, In recent years, several wheat varieties have been reclassified,and cannot be sold for feed.SEED CLEANING, TREATING, CANOLA SEED TO COLOSTRUM.CROP TO COWS EVERYTHING YOU NEED!!!!NEW: Locally grown pedigreed seedPh: 780-879-3927 MANAGER: Peggy
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