b'GREETINGS | Government of AlbertaSpring 2021Kelly Chambers, Monica Klaas, Executive Director,General Manager, 5030-50 St.5030-50th St. Lacombe, ABT4L 1W8Lacombe, AB T4L 1W8 Ph: (403) 325-0081 Office: (403) 489-9999
[email protected] [email protected] BY@DevinDVote|
[email protected] Pacific AvenueAS MINISTER OF Agriculture and Forestry, it is my honour toWinnipeg, MB R3A 0M2(204) 453-1965bring greetings on behalf of the Government of Alberta to
[email protected] of the Alberta Seed Guide. With last year looking like a bumper crop for most of the province, I hope you had a greatPUBLISHERyear. Shawn BrookIn the midst of a pandemic, our agriculture sector continuesMANAGING EDITORSto serve as a beacon of hope. Albertas farmers, ranchers andMichelle Clarke, Lindsay Hoffmanproducers are leading our economic recovery by creatingEDITORIALthousands of jobs, driving innovation, and attracting millions ofAshley Robinsondollars of investment into the province.CONTRIBUTORSAlbertas government believes in the limitless potential ofJim Timlick, Marc Zienkiewicz, Madeleine Baerg,our agriculture sector. That is why we recently announced anTrevor Bacqueinvestment of $815 million to expand irrigation infrastructureADVERTISING SALES Craig Armstrong, Sam Mostafa, Dean French, Aiden Brookby more than 200,000 acres which will create thousands ofMARKETINGrewarding jobs for Albertans at a time when they need is most.Theresa RamsoomairThat is also why we trust Alberta producers to steer theCREATIVE direction of agriculture research in the province. ThroughLesley Nakonechny, Kyle Dratowany, Theresa RamsoomairResults Driven Agriculture Research (RDAR), which justCIRCULATION announced that they are accepting research proposals, farmersDean Frenchand ranchers are back in the drivers seat. This 10-year, $370 million agreement, which is more than all other PrairieThe Alberta Seed Guide makes no expressed or implied warranties provinces combined, will support producers by allowing themof merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or otherwise, to focus on practical, common-sense research which willconcerning the use of any product and assumes no liability for any directly support our agriculture sector. Under their direction,injury or damage, direct or consequential, incurred from the use of such products or services therein. Federal, Provincial, and Municipal laws and we are ensuring agriculture will continue to lead our economicregulations supersede the information contained herein.recovery and drive diversification and prosperity for generations to come. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to the Winnipeg office:Thank you to Alberta Seed Growers and Alberta SeedSeed World GroupProcessors for your continued hard work and dedication to the403-313 Pacific Avenueprovinces farmers.Winnipeg, MB R3A 0M2Best wishes as you prepare for the next growing season. PRINTED IN CANADAHonourable Devin DreeshenINTERESTED IN ADVERTISING?Please direct all sales or distribution inquiries to Dean French atMinister, Agriculture and Forestry(204) 453-1965 ext 824 or via email at
[email protected] in whole, or in part, is prohibited without writtenpermission from the publisher.Publications Mail Agreement No. 00425185246seed.ab.ca'