b'cerealsperformance trials and grower directorySPRING TRITICALEOverallYield Category (% Brevis):Agronomic Characteristics: Disease Tolerance:StationLow MediumHigh 100V. High Mat. Rat- TestResistance to: Years ofOverall70 (bu/ 70 - 100- 130 (bu/ 130 (bu/ ing (DaysWeightTKW HeightStripeVariety Testing Yieldac) (bu/ac) ac) ac) +/- Brevis) (lb/bu) (g) (cm) Ldg. Sprt. Ergot Rust Bunt FHBVarieties tested in the 2020 trials (Yield and agronomic data only directly comparable to Brevis) Brevis (bu/ac) 105 58 89 124 156Brevis 93 100 100 100 100 100 107 60 46 93 G F MR MR R IAB Stampeder24 96 XX 93 94 98 -2 57 46 95 G F MR R R MSTyndal71 82 90 88 93 89 1 57 42 102 G P I MR R MSPreviously tested varietiesBrevis 100 100 100 100 100 107 60 46 93 G F MR MR R IAAC Delight34 97 86 104 97 96 1 58 53 97 G P MR R R IAC Ultima142 79 89 95 94 92 -1 57 45 96 G F MS MR R IBunker49 71 78 88 87 XX 0 57 48 107 F F MS MR R IPronghorn 120 80 89 96 97 93 0 55 43 98 G F I MR R MRSunray 48 90 91 90 88 XX -1 57 45 94 VG F MR MR R MSTaza48 89 90 91 88 XX 1 57 47 100 G F I MR R SRemarks: Brevis yields about 25% more than Carberry (CWRS wheat) in areas of adaptation. AB Stampeder, AAC Delight, Bunker, Taza, and Tyndal have heads with reduced-awns which may be beneficial when harvested as forage or silage.= Protected by PBR (UPOV 78),= Protected by PBR (UPOV 91). New registration AB Stampeder (T256). XX - Insufficient data to descrbe.Flagged for possible removal in 2022. TRITICALE-SPRING SFRC AB STAMPEDER BI: FCDC, Dist: Solick Seeds AAC DELIGHT *Corns Seeds Ltd. / Grassy Lake / (403) 360-0833R Solick Seeds Ltd. / Halkirk / (403) 884-2358 FR BI: AAFC, Dist: Fabian Seed FarmsFabian Seed Farms / Tilley / (403) 377-2000C BUNKER Forward Seed Farm / County of Barrhead / (780) 674-3822C BI: FCDC, Dist: FP GeneticsSounding Creek Seeds / Oyen / (403) 664-9617C Airth Farms Ltd. / Brooks / (403) 362-4372S CKlassen Seed Farm / Rosemary / (403) 378-4408RSolick Seeds Ltd. / Halkirk / (403) 884-2358S* C*PRONGHORN BI: FCDC, Dist: Progressive Seeds Phoenix Farms Ltd. / Nobleford / (403) 824-3585 FCSUNRAY BI: AAFC, Dist: SeedNet Benci Seed Farms / Carmangay / (403) 643-2294C Stamp Seeds Ltd. / Enchant / (403) 739-2233 F*R TAZA BI: FCDC, Dist: Solick Seeds Solick Seeds Ltd. / Halkirk / (403) 884-2358 FCTYNDAL BI: FCDC, Dist: SeCan Corns Seeds Ltd. / Grassy Lake / (403) 360-0833S CSunshine Seeds Ltd / Magrath / (403) 758-3444 FRCWHEATBARLEYCPS Red: AAC Penhold Feed/Forage:CWRS: AAC Redwater, CDC Austenson,AAC Connery, CS Jake,CDC Maverick, Sundre,EllerslieAB AdvantagePEAS Malt: CDC CopelandGreen: CDC Limerick, OATSCDC Forest MustangYellow: AAC LacombeGrowing Pedigreed Seed since 1983 Custom forage blends, scale on site, treating availableRichard Hallett (403) 586-3769|Dale Hallett (403) 899-4166|Office (403) 337-2469|E-mail:
[email protected]|Carstairs, Alberta100seed.ab.ca'