b'Hames says having a single, unifiedDespite streamlining a few operationalDias points out any long-term goals voice will also help farmers addressthings, Dias says the amalgamationfor the organization will be discussed concerns over the rising number ofhasnt significantly changed the wayand decided upon as part of the strategic non-tariff trade barriers they are dealingCereals Canada or its CIGI divisionplanning process.with in countries like Italy, Saudi Arabia,function. Vietnam and China. I dont anticipate many changes atLong-Term PlansWith these groups amalgamating wellthis point either, he says. The workI cant really provide much detail on be better equipped to try and answerthat both organizations did and arethat right now, he says. What I can some of the questions on the non-tariffcontinuing to do is extremely importantsay is the work we are conducting on trade barriers were seeing more andfor the industry. Theres lots of expertisesustainability, the work we are doing on more of, he adds. that comes together when these twomarket development, the work we are organizations are working together. doing on Keep it Clean, I dont see any Unified Voice A recent change resulting from theof those things changing. Basically, it Dias agrees that having the twomerger is that all Cereals Canada staff arecomes down to determining what we do organizations now operate as one willnow working out of a single location atbest and continuing it and optimizing it be good for Alberta farmers. He says303 Main St. in Winnipeg, Man.for the future.the merger will allow Cereals Canada toOne of the organizations short-termAnother priority for the organization continue bringing the voice of customersgoals is completing a strategic planningmoving forward is to continue its efforts to the variety registration process,process which will examine all aspectsto leverage access to global markets especially when it comes to ensuring theof its operational structure. That process,by conducting crop missions. Those end-use quality of registered varieties.which was expected to be completedinternational missions will continue It will also enable the organization toin January 2021, was delayed slightlyin the days ahead, although they will maintain and enhance the market supportas a result of the COVID-19 pandemicswitch to a digital format owing to the it provides for wheat classes such asand the fact many staff were workingpandemic. More information on those Canada Western Red Spring (CWRS),from home. Cereals Canada expects tomissions including how to participate is Canadian Prairie Spring Red (CPSR) andundertake a public rebranding campaignavailable at www.canadiancereals.ca.Canada Western Amber Durum (CWAD). once its strategic planning is completed.Jim TimlickBARLEY: WHEAT: PEAS:CDC Copeland AAC Penhold CDC Forest(NEW)CDC Austenson AAC Brandon CDC Inca CANOLA: AAC Viewfield AAC Barrhead CDC Landmark VB CDC AmarilloA CSGA Member since 1946Roundup Ready CS Accelerate(NEW)AAC Chrome Treating of Cereal Seeds and Liberty Link AAC Wheatland(NEW) WINTER WHEAT: Pulses AvailableOATS: AAC GoodwinAAC WildfireAC Morgan Ellerslie(NEW)Inoculation of Pulses AvailableParata HYBRID RYEFABABEANS: KWS Bono Snowbird KWS GatanoKWS Trebiano54174 Range Rd. 225Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta T8L 3Z9E-Mail:
[email protected] | Bus. (780) 998-3036 | Fax (780) 998-1288Website: www.gallowayseeds.com |@gallowayseeds32seed.ab.ca'