b'special cropsperformance trials and grower directoryFABABEANOverall Sta- Thousand tion Years ofPlant HeightSeed Weight Variety Type Overall Yield Testing Relative Mat. 1 (cm) (g) Flower Color 2Varieties tested in the 2020 trials (Yield and agronomic % of check data only directly comparable to Snowbird)Snowbird(kg ha-1) 5677SnowbirdZero Tannin 100 72 E 89 478 WCDC 219-16Zero Tannin 100 27 E 83 358 WDL TesoroZero Tannin 106 27 M 89 571 WFabelleTannin 113 37 M 94 534 CMalik * NR Tannin 96 60 M 83 632 CPreviously tested varietties: 2013 - 2015 (Yield and agronomic data only directly comparable to Snowbird)SnowdropZero Tannin 88 23 E 87 351 WTabasco Zero Tannin 85 15 M 86 374 WRemarks: All colored flower types have seed coats that contain tannins and may be suitable for export food markets if seed size and quality match customer demand. Varieties tested for a minimum three years are consid-ered fully tested. = Protected by PBR (UPOV 91). * Contract Varieties. NR = Variety not registered with CFIA.1 Maturity: E = early, M = medium, ML = medium late, L = late;2 Flower Colour: W = white flower, zero tannin; C = colored flower, tannin.FABA BEANS SFRC SNOWBIRD BI: Innoseeds, Dist: Limagrain Cereals 219-16Alect Enterprises Ltd. / Three Hills / (403) 443-9599CBI: U of S-CDC, Dist: SeCanAmyotte, Philip / Mallaig / (780) 645-1688CKittle Farms Ltd. / Viking / (780) 336-2583RBar 3 Farms Ltd. / Clyde / (780) 348-5791CStamp Seeds Ltd. / Enchant / (403) 739-2233S*F*Cyre Seed Farms Ltd. / Barrhead / (780) 307-4332SFRCCDC SNOWDROPFosters Seed & Feed Ltd. / Beaverlodge / (780) 354-2107R BI: U of S-CDC, Dist: Saskatchewan Pulse GrowersGalloway Seeds Ltd. / Fort Saskatchewan / (780) 998-3036CKlempnauer, Joerg / Vauxhall / (403) 330-5480S Harbin Seed Farm Ltd./ Rivercourse / (780) 745-2268RCDL RICO *Livingspring Farms Ltd. / Gleichen / (403) 734-2140RCBI: DL Seeds, Dist: Prairie FavaLindholm Seed Farm / New Norway / (780) 352-3240SFRCStamp Seeds Ltd. / Enchant / (403) 739-2233S* RPrestville Farms Ltd. / Rycroft / (780) 814-2849RDL TESORO *Stamp Seeds Ltd. / Enchant / (403) 739-2233CBI: DL Seeds, Dist: Riddell Seed Co. Simco Seeds / Ponoka / (780) 372-2111RHEMP SFRCFABELLE * BI: DL Seeds, Dist: SeedNetANKA Stamp Seeds Ltd. / Enchant / (403) 739-2233 S*FR BI: Horizon Hemp Seeds, Dist: N/A Galloway Seeds Ltd. / Fort Saskatchewan / (780) 998-3036C*CANDA BI: N/A, Dist: N/A FRONTIERGalloway Seeds Ltd. / Fort Saskatchewan / (780) 998-3036C*CANMA BI: Natural Emphasis/PhytoGene Resources, Dist: Natural EmphasisDarrell Mcelroy, Manager / Ste. Agathe / (204) 882-2480 FRCSeed Cleaning Co-op Ltd. CFX-2 BI: N/A, Dist: Hemp Genetics International Inc. Equipment Services Processing Hemp Genetics International Inc. / Saskatoon / (604) 882-4936CFINOLA Wind and Screens Pedigreed Seed Cereals BI: University of Kuopio, Dist: Hemp Oil Canada Indent Commercial Cleaning Oil Seeds Fresh Hemp Foods Ltd. (Fhf) / Ste. Agathe / (204) 882-2480CGravity Table Human Consumption Pulses Witdouck Farms / Iron Springs / (403) 738-4395CGRANDI De Bearder Dockage Cleaning Hemp BI: N/A, Dist: Hemp Genetics International Inc. Mercer Seeds Ltd. / Lethbridge / (403) 308-2297 F*C Farmer Owned Since 1980GRANMA BI: PhytoGene Resources Inc., Dist: PhytoGene Resources Inc. Fresh Hemp Foods Ltd. (Fhf) / Ste. Agathe / (204) 882-2480 FCKen Wiebe Springside Farms / Gwynne / (780) 678-7131C780-928-3042Box 336La Crete,
[email protected]. Ltd930 Pacific Ave.(403) 643-3656 (w)(403) 593-2684 (c)PLANT MANAGER - ERIC MATLOCK
[email protected] 122seed.ab.ca'