b'CANADA PRAIRIE SPRING RED WHEATcerealsperformance trials and grower directoryOverallYield Category (% Carberry):Agronomic Characteristics: Disease Tolerance:StationMediumHigh Relative Mat.TestResistance to: Years ofOverallLow 55 55 - 80 80 (bu/ (Days +/-ProteinWeightTKWHeightAwnsStripe Variety Testing Yield(bu/ac) (bu/ac) ac) Carberry)(%) (lb/bu) (g) (cm) (Y/N) Ldg.Sprt. Bunt Rust FHBVarieties tested in the 2020 trials (Yield and agronomic data only directly comparable to Carberry)Carberry (bu/ac) 73 40 62 90Carberry83 100 100 100 100 104 14.0 63 40 85 Y VG F R MR MRAAC Castle VB26 121 XX XX 121 0 -0.9 62 43 86 Y F F R MR IAAC Penhold70 113 107 113 115 -2 -0.7 63 44 79 Y VG VG R I MRAccelerate26 118 XX XX 117 -1 -1.0 63 37 80 Y G XX S R ISY Rorke26 116 XX XX 117 0 -1.4 61 37 83 Y F F MS S IPreviously tested varietiesCarberry100 100 100 100 0 14.0 63 40 85 Y VG F R MR MR5700PR117 110 108 113 109 -1 -1.3 62 42 85 Y VG F R S MSAAC Crossfield43 115 115 113 118 -1 -1.4 62 42 85 Y G P I R IAAC Entice47 108 102 108 111 -1 -1.2 62 41 86 Y G P S R IAAC Foray VB41 121 117 123 123 0 -1.6 63 51 90 Y G G I MR IAAC Goodwin48 115 112 116 117 -1 -0.6 63 41 87 Y VG G MS R IAAC Ryley 37 111 108 112 110 -1 -1.2 60 48 87 Y G G R S MSCDC Terrain63 114 117 114 114 0 -1.6 61 44 88 Y G G MR R MSSY Rowyn47 106 102 109 105 -1 -1.0 62 36 80 Y G F S MR MRRemarks: For explanations on data summarization methods, abbreviations and other pertinent information, please see the comments at the beginning of this publication. Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) infection is highly influ-enced by the environment and heading date. Under high levels of FHB all varieties will sustain damage. Moderately Resistant (MR) and Resistant (R) ratings for FHB do not equate to immunity. Varieties rated Intermediate (I) to Susceptible (S) for bunt should be treated with a systemic seed treatment to reduce the potential for infection. VB - designates a varietal blend to preserve the Sm1 orange wheat blossom midge tolerance gene.= Protected by PBR (UPOV 78), = Protected by PBR (UPOV 91), = Variety Use Agreement applied (https://seedvaluecreation.ca/). New CPSR registrations: CDC Reign (HY2062 ) and SY Rorke (HY2068). Insufficient data to describe: CDC Reign. XX - Insufficient data to describe.Flagged for possible removal in 2022. Pedigreed and Commercial Seed Cleaning and Seed Sales.Tom Measures ManagerBarrhead District Seed Cleaning Co-op
[email protected] (780) 674-2569 Box 4408 Fax(780) 674-3701 Barrhead, Alberta T7N 1A388seed.ab.ca'