b'Here, experts from across the industry will discuss issues that are top of mind, share technical advancements, talk about tips for success and provide perspective on policy.AGRONOMY SOLUTIONSMatching Seeding Rates with Goals and Expectations Mike Morlock, canola and cereal product line manager for Nutrien Ag SolutionsTHERES BEEN A lot of discussion during the past coupleTheres a significant amount of variation on how a hybrid of years on changing from seeding your standard four to fivedisplays in the field. For instance, there are hybrids with larger pounds per acre (canola) to focus more on what your target plantplants, larger stalks which branch out aggressively, and they population should be. If you want to get the best yield and the bestcould be more conducive to a lower seeding population. There performance out of your canola hybrid, you really have to look atare also other hybrids that will do better at a higher seeding the fields specific situation and the hybrids specific attributes. population, given their plant structure.The most important thing to remember is one size doesnt fitWhen seeding and determining your target plant population, all when it comes to what your target plant population can be.you should understand your hybrid, seeding conditions, climate, Indeed, theres no set it and forget itif youre really going foryour seeding date and your soil moisture. There are also risks optimum yields, it cant be cookie cutter. both agronomically and financially to seeding at a higher rate For the most part, everybody is comfortable with targetingthan is optimum. With some hybrids, if you over-seedand five to eight plants per square foot. But I always like to startIve seen lots of plant populations in the teensyou obviously with looking at the hybrid and what the suggested best seedingare spending more on seed than you need to. rate is for that hybrid. If you go out to any canola trial, youllI really encourage growers to spend time thinking about plant see hybrids are quite different in their growth patterns and howpopulations and not take a one-size-fits-all approach. Every they show up in the field. You should consider the hybrid yourehybrid has a variation in seed size; and from hybrid to hybrid, putting in the ground, talk to your seed company and learnthere are large variations in agronomic characteristics. As about the characteristics of the hybrid and then, all considered,mentioned before, you really need to target a plant population what the right seeding rate is. that fits the individual fields situation and the hybrids situation.EQUIPMENT MARKETPLACEWant to connect with over 48,000 farm owners during prime-time shopping season?EQUIPMENT MARKETPLACE, the perfect Boost your business growthopportunity to showcase your equipment to your Generate more sales opportunitiesmost promising buyers. This section will promote Influence your customers purchasing intentyour company in this competitive marketplace Surpass your sales objectivesallowing you to be recognized as a key supplier to Outmatch your competitors by increasing Alberta Farmers. our brand awarenessGet outstanding value with an average readershipTake advantage of this opportunity to feature of 9.5 months that will give you longer exposureyour equipment and your company in this time and amplified frequency. Alberta Seed Guideremarkable publication. has been the go to source for Alberta farmers in the last 18 years.Contact us today for more information:
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