b'silageperformance trials and grower directoryBARLEYOverall Sta- Area Yield Category Nutritional Datation Years ofOverallLow 9.0Medium 9.1 -High 12.1 CP TDNCaPKMgVariety Testing Yield2 3 4 5 6 (t/ac) 12.0(t/ac) (t/ac) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)Varieties tested in the 2020 trials (Yield and agronomic data only directly comparable to CDC Austenson)CDC Austenson (t/ac) 10.4 9 12.1 12.9 11.1 8 6.9 11.2 15.6 10.2 67 0.3 0.2 1.4 0.2CDC Austenson 57 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100AB Advantage 12 103 97 XX 96 99 108 104 102 101 100 102 105 112 102 110AB Cattlelac 16 101 92 XX 90 99 108 103 103 94 105 101 134 102 114 122AB Wrangler 12 105 105 XX 106 100 110 105 108 101 102 101 108 111 98 106Altorado 38 103 102 92 99 102 108 107 98 101 102 100 103 105 103 98Amisk 45 93 98 92 96 90 95 94 94 92 105 102 133 105 106 110Canmore 38 100 104 99 92 101 101 103 98 99 101 100 119 104 99 105CDC Bow 12 104 102 XX 100 101 108 105 103 98 105 101 126 113 97 114CDC Cowboy 45 99 99 103 102 101 97 98 99 102 97 99 115 112 109 116CDC Maverick 47 101 103 96 96 103 104 103 101 100 97 99 117 111 95 116Claymore 38 101 105 102 98 103 98 101 97 103 97 98 123 101 100 107SR18524 3 99 87 XX XX XX 105 99 XX XX 114 110 94 114 112 100Sundre 49 95 98 93 89 91 99 94 96 94 102 99 132 105 112 113TR186473 110 94 XX XX XX 118 110 XX XX 107 99 82 93 84 99Previously tested varietiesBusby 19 93 91 98 71 96 88 86 95 97 105 99 128 100 100 103Gadsby 33 99 95 106 94 99 100 101 101 98 96 100 127 100 96 101CDC Coalition 46 95 98 93 94 92 102 99 92 94 102 101 101 111 104 101CDC Meredith 22 100 108 106 93 98 103 101 102 100 95 98 99 101 102 94Champion 26 102 103 97 100 103 102 106 99 101 99 101 105 99 104 99Chigwell 23 92 80 95 87 91 96 94 91 88 102 100 158 99 105 118Conlon 31 87 83 95 86 85 89 84 88 90 98 102 129 112 99 104Muskwa 13 90 101 93 XX 86 91 86 91 91 114 100 167 107 121 127Ponoka 19 96 90 100 100 96 95 96 94 97 101 99 148 103 104 115Ranger 23 94 101 99 XX 94 88 93 96 87 100 99 157 104 121 126Seebe 19 96 95 103 92 95 95 95 96 97 109 96 136 109 113 103SR17515 9 103 106 XX 96 94 114 102 107 97 101 101 114 139 108 121SR17519 9 96 97 XX 94 88 103 92 101 95 103 100 121 123 115 122Trochu 18 88 XX 91 73 91 85 82 89 92 103 101 139 107 109 119Vivar 19 93 95 99 78 92 93 90 98 93 108 100 144 99 104 123Xena 19 95 87 101 84 92 101 96 90 95 106 99 111 105 102 106Remarks: For explanations on data summarization methods and other information, please see the comments at the beginning of this publication. The yield comparison is expressed in several ways. First, overall actual yield of the standard check in t/ac along with the number of station years of testing. Second, actual yield of the standard check in each growing area. Third, average yield of each variety is expressed in % rela-tive to the standard check. And finally, yield performance is also expressed on the basis of environmental productivity (Yield Test Categories of Low, Medium and High). Consistent performance over all Yield Test Categories indicates that a variety may have good yield stability over a wide range of environments. XX - Insufficient data to describe.Chin Ridge Seeds Ltd. Taber, AlbertaQuality you can seed!- AAC Wildre Winter Wheat- AB Advantage Feed Barley- CDC Lima CL Lentils - AAC Stronghold Durum - CDC Maverick Feed Barley- CDC Impulse CL Lentils - AAC Vieweld HRSW - AAC Congress Durum - CDC Austenson Feed Barley- CDC Blazer Maple Pea - CDC Landmark VB HRSW - AAC Spitre Durum- AAC Connect Malt Barley- AAC Chrome Yellow Pea - AAC Brandon HRSW- AC Transcend Durum- CDC Bow Malt Barley- AAC Bravo Flax For more variees of our wheat, durum, barley, oats, ax, peas and lenls please visit us at www.chinridge.comDon -
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