b'canolaperformance trials and grower directory2020 Canola Regional Variety TrialsTHE CPT RESULTS in this report are based on 16 standard and 18 straight cut small plot trials across the Prairies. Site distribution is based on seeded acres in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. The small plot system ensures that:All varieties are treated with appropriate commercially associated herbicides and seed treatments. An independent third-party representative inspects all trials.The CPT Technical Committee established protocols and developed research plot designs to ensure that the data is representative. Performance objectives were established to provide guidelines on timely field operations and data collection.Recommending Committee season zones, which are based on All sites are inspected to verify these guidelines were followed totypical frost free days, growing degree days and soil type. See allow a fair comparison among the varieties tested.the map above for reference.The 2020 program was funded by Alberta Canola ProducersThe results tables include yield, days to maturity, height and Commission (Alberta Canola), Saskatchewan Canolalodging scores for each variety. Lodging scores are between 1 Development Commission (SaskCanola) and the Manitobaand 5, with 1 being no lodging and 5 being completely lodged. Canola Growers Association, with contributions from the B.C.Gross revenue is based on yield multiplied by $12.48/bu. This Grain Producers Association (BCGPA). The 2020 trials wereis based on the March 2021 futures price of $549.10 per tonne again coordinated by Haplotech with the direction from the CPTopening price on October 21, 2020 and standard (50-pound) Governance and Technical Committees. The Canola Council ofbushel weight. No basis or other deducts were taken off the Canada supported on the delivery of the program.futures price. Commercial canola varieties tested in the 2020 small plotThis report is one of several sources of information to consider trials had seed provided by BASFInVigor, Brett Young Seeds,in making the best decisions for your farm.Corteva-Brevant, Canterra Seeds, Bayer-DeKalb, Corteva- For further information on the CPT Program and data from Pioneer and Nutrien-Proven Seeds and Winfield United-Croplan. 2011 through 2020, see canolaperformancetrials.ca.Results are organized by short, medium and long season zones. CPT uses the Western Canada Canola/Rapeseed WETASKIWIN SEED & GRAIN CO-OP LTD. Seed cleaningColour sortingTreatingSeed SalesCertified & common varieties availableDistributor of seed for Nutrien Ag Solutionsand Co-op Agro Wetaskiwin.4710-40 Avenue, Wetaskiwin, ABT9A 0A2Phone: (780) 352-6212Fax: (780) 352-6219E-mail:
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