b'silageperformance trials and grower directoryThe cereal trials,in a separate summary below each table. The information is (barley, oats andpresented as compared to the check variety (in bold). Yield of triticale), were plantedthe test varieties/mixtures are expressed as wet tons/A (ex: 65 at recommendedper cent moisture, typical of silage production). Data sets which seeding density ratesdid not meet minimum quality and experimental standards with recommendedwere excluded.fertility. The pea/cereal mixture trials wereTest Yield Categoriesconducted with theLow, Medium and High Test Yield Categories (tons per acre) intent of increasinghave been defined for each variety and mix. This allows the nutritional valuefor comparison with the check when growing conditions, of the silage whilemanagement regimes and/or target yields are expected to be potentially reducingof low, medium or high productivity. Caution is advised when future nitrogeninterpreting the data of new varieties that have not been fully requirements. Thesetested (ex: based on only one- or two-years data). It should pea/cereal plots werealso be noted the indicated yield levels are those from small seeded with 55 kg/haplot trials, which can be higher than yields expected under (50 lbs/A) of 11-52-0-0commercial production. When considering a variety for use at 75 and 50 per centalone or in a mixed silage blend, be sure to consider the disease of their respectiveresistance and other agronomic attributes that may affect recommended seedingregional productivity.rates. The target harvest stage for these mixes was the soft dough stage of theNutritional Analysiscereal. Components of the spring/fall mixes were each seededNutrition information was assessed using NIRS for macro-at 75 per cent of the rates recommended for individual crops. nutrient assessments and wet chemistry for the micro-nutrients. Data submitted in 2020 was summarized by crop or crop mixture. Information collected since 2012 has been included Contact: Carl HuvenaarsPhone: 403-654-5094E-mail:
[email protected] 114Hays, AlbertaT0K 1B0Spring 2021 113'