b'silageperformance trials and grower directory2020 Regional Silage Variety TrialsALBERTAS APPLIED RESEARCH and forage associationsWest Central Forage Association, Sangudo, Alta. (780) 785-would like to thank Alexander Fedko for coordinating these3411, ext 3621trials out of CDCN in Edmonton, Alta. for many years. His contributions have been very important in the province wideMajor Sponsorsevaluation of annual crops and preparing reports for the Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, CDC North and CAP Alberta Seed Guide. Program A&L Canada Laboratories Inc.Participating Organizations Alliance Seeds, Canterra Seeds, Davidson Seeds,Battle River Research Group, Forestburg, Alta. Degenhardt Farms, Dyck Seed Farm, Elmys Friendly Acres Seed (780) 582 - 7308 Farm, Fabian Seeds, Lindholm Seed Farm, Mastin Seeds, Proven Chinook Applied Research Association, Oyen, Alta. Seeds, SeCan, Solick Seeds, Luc Tellier, H. Warkentin (403) 664-3777Gateway Research Organization, Westlock, Alta. Trial Information(780) 349-4546 Several of Albertas applied research and forage associations Lakeland Agricultural Research Association, Bonnyville,have evaluated annual crops for biomass yield and feed quality Alta. (780) 826-7260 in replicated trials for a number of years. The trials have Mackenzie Applied Research Association, Fort Vermilion,traditionally included varieties of barley, oat, triticale and pea/Alta. (780) 927-3776cereal mixes but were expanded thanks to funding from theNorth Peace Applied Research Association, Manning, Alta.Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) in 2020 to include (780) 836-3354 spring cereal/winter cereal mixes as well as a number ofP eace Country Beef and Forage, Fairview, Alta. alternative annual crops.(780) 835-67992021 Seed VarietiesAAC Brandon HRS WheatAAC Connery HRS WheatAAC Viewfield HRS WheatAAC Penhold CPS WheatCS Camden OatsCanmore Barley*Other Varieties Available Upon Request*Contact Wetaskiwin Co-op Agro780-352-3359I1-888-352-NPKSOur GROW Team is available to assist with all of your farms needsSoil Sampling l Crop Planning l Field ScoutingCrop Protection l Nutrient Planning & Management3702 47th StWetaskiwin ABT9A
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