b'RESEARCHSAVING DOLLARS WITH SECTIONAL CONTROLA study has found farmers can save thousands of dollars using sectional control, however theres more to it than just that.A FEW YEARS AGO, Nevin Rosaasen, policy and programRosaasens study was approved and received funding through specialist with the Alberta Pulse Growers (APG), was lookingthe Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) with the federal into cost effective technologies for farmers. Sectional controlgovernment. He also managed to get the attention of colleagues rose to the top of his list as he quickly discovered there hadntat the Alberta Wheat and Barley commissions, Alberta Canola been any specific studies looking into the cost savings, bothProducers Commission, the Canola Council of Canada and Olds monetary and environmental, of the technology. College, who volunteered time to help with the study. Alberta When you set off certain sections when youre overlapping,Agriculture and Forestry was also involved, however staff you just avoid double seeding, double fertilization and becausereductions since then has reduced the provincial role.of that, it can greatly reduce the cost of your inputs, RosaasenAfter receiving funding, Rosaasen launched into the first year explains in a phone interview.of the studya literary review of the technology available. With fields including barriers in the form of bushes andThe Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI) came on wetlands, this technology helps farmers maneuver aroundboard to help with it. The second phase saw PAMI testing the them and not over apply on areas already seeded. It also helpstechnologies in fields surrounding their office at Humboldt, discourage farmers from clearing these barriers in their fields,Sask. over the summer of 2020. The third and final phase to be which in some cases are important environmental habitats. completed this year will be a report where they will look at how Weve seen certain sustainability schemes for sourcing foodto actually output the software with the prescribed fertilizer rate in food supply chains that now will not allow farmers whoand prove it works.either drained wetlands or removed trees, to sell into some ofPhase two was basically the ground truthing period, those markets, Rosaasen says. Rosaasen explains. We know in theory that by shutting off A field used by PAMI to test sectional control technology. Flags help to mark seeding sections. PHOTOS: PAMI48seed.ab.ca'