b'CANADA WESTERN RED SPRING WHEAT WHEAT-CWRS SFRC Schmermund Farms Ltd. / Sturgeon County / (780) 967-2850C cerealsperformance trials and grower directorySendziak Seed Farm / Edmonton / (780) 940-7566COverallYield Category (% Carberry): Agronomic Characteristics: Disease Tolerance: AAC BRANDONSolick Seeds Ltd. / Halkirk / (403) 884-2358RCStationLowMediumHigh Mat. RatingTestResistance to:BI: AAFC, Dist: SeCanStamp Seeds Ltd. / Enchant / (403) 739-2233C*Years ofOverall55(bu/ 5580 80 (bu/ (Days +/-ProteinWeightTKWHeightAwnsStripe 2158139 Alberta Ltd / Milk River / (403) 647-2347C Stewart Farming Ltd. / Big Valley / (403) 876-2784C Variety Testing Yieldac) (bu/ac) ac) Carberry) (%) (lb/bu) (g) (cm) (Y/N) Ldg. Sprt. Bunt Rust FHB Airth Farms Ltd. / Brooks / (403) 362-4372C Strathmore Seed Cleaning Plant / Strathmore / (403) 934-3421CVarieties tested in the 2020 trials (Yield and agronomic data only directly comparable to Carberry) Alect Enterprises Ltd. / Three Hills / (403) 443-9599C Specialty Seeds Ltd. / Bow Island / (403) 545-6018CCarberry (bu/ac) 68 44 65 94 Assure Seeds Ltd. / Acme / (403) 510-9260C Victoor Seed Farm Inc / Sturgeon County / (780) 459-3253RCBar 3 Farms Ltd. / Clyde / (780) 348-5791C Wagners Seed Farm / Lacombe / (403) 782-2107CCarberry - check131 100 100 100 100 104 14.0 63 39 85 Y VG F R MR MR Blj Farms Ltd. / Stettler / (403) 741-2688C Webber, Curtis / Parkland County / (780) 963-6897CAAC Brandon40 107 107 104 109 0 -0.1 63 40 85 Y G P S MR MR Brummelhuis Seeds / Taber / (403) 654-2734C Wellspring Seeds / Camrose / (780) 781-6077CAAC Broadacres VB24 111 XX 109 112 0 -0.8 63 40 88 Y VG F R MR I Carlson Farms Inc. / Gwynne / (780) 361-3532C Witdouck Farms / Iron Springs / (403) 738-4395C*AAC Elie53 108 106 112 106 0 -0.5 64 39 84 Y G F I MR I Chin Ridge Seeds Ltd. / Taber / (403) 223-3900C* Wildeman Holdings Ltd. / Clive / (403) 784-3695C*Zwack, Bryan / Daysland / (780) 608-9426CAAC Magnet36 101 102 102 99 -2 0.0 63 40 90 Y G F S I MR Tony Crooymans & Sons / Bow Island / (403) 545-6333CAAC Russell VB24 108 XX 109 109 -1 -0.4 64 40 89 Y G F MR MR MR Davidson Farm (Kitscoty) Ltd. / Kitscoty / (780) 846-2456C AAC CONNERY Donjo Farms Ltd. / Carbon / (403) 321-0046C* BI: AAFC, Dist: Canterra Seeds AAC Starbuck VB36 110 108 108 111 0 -0.2 63 39 87 Y G F S MR MR Dyck, Ernie / La Crete / (780) 821-9445RAirth Farms Ltd. / Brooks / (403) 362-4372CAAC Warman VB36 101 104 97 102 -1 -0.4 63 38 99 Y G F S MS MR Dyck Seed Farms / Rosemary / (403) 378-3321SFRBoisvert Farms / Girouxville / (780) 618-4724RCAAC Wheatland VB36 111 110 109 113 0 -0.5 63 40 86 Y VG G MR I I Echo Ridge Farms Inc. / Stettler / (403) 883-2503C Halletts Hay And Seed Ltd / Carstairs / (403) 586-3769R* CDC Ortona36 107 98 109 108 -1 -0.8 63 35 93 N VG G S MR I Fabian Seed Farms / Tilley / (403) 377-2000R*F* Lindholm Seed Farm / New Norway / (780) 352-3240 R* Daybreak24 107 XX 110 107 -1 -0.2 64 41 90 Y F P S MR I Galloway Seeds Ltd. / Fort Saskatchewan / (780) 998-3036RPlante Farms Ltd. / St. Paul / (780) 645-4604CEllerslie24 104 XX 108 108 0 -0.3 62 36 94 N VG G S R I Good Seed Farm / Carstairs / (403) 852-2389C Wildeman Holdings Ltd. / Clive / (403) 784-3695CLivingspring Farms Ltd. / Gleichen / (403) 734-2140C AAC ELIE Jake36 101 90 104 103 -2 0.6 63 37 93 Y G XX MR R MS BI: AAFC, Dist: Alliance Seed RedNet24 104 XX 101 109 0 -0.6 64 38 101 Y G F S R MR Carls Ag Ventures Ltd. / Hays / (403) 654-5094RC Foremost Seeds / Foremost / (403) 867-2338R GLD Agventures / Andrew / (780) 365-2134CSheba24 102 XX 105 105 0 -0.5 63 36 96 N G XX MR R I K3 Seeds - Division of Kolk Farm / Iron Springs / (403) 738-4517C Kings Seed Farm Ltd. / Three Hills / (403) 443-3333S*F*R*C*Stettler101 105 103 106 104 0 0.1 63 38 92 Y G G MR MR MS Kemp Farms Ltd. / Red Deer County / (403) 227-4836C Klassen Seed Farm / Rosemary / (403) 378-4408CSY Brawn VB24 106 XX 97 109 -1 -0.3 63 36 94 Y G F MR I I Kings Seed Farm Ltd. / Three Hills / (403) 443-3333R*C* Konieczny Farms Ltd. / Mannville / (780) 581-5693CKittle Farms Ltd. / Viking / (780) 336-2583C L.& I. Sich Farms / Three Hills / (403) 443-8402RCSY Cast24 105 XX 108 106 -1 0.2 63 39 84 Y G G R R I C Mercer Seeds Ltd. / Lethbridge / (403) 308-2297R*C*SY Crossite24 105 XX 109 103 0 -0.6 62 39 92 Y G G MS R MR Konieczny Farms Ltd. / Mannville / (780) 581-5693Specialty Seeds Ltd. / Bow Island / (403) 545-6018CSY Gabbro36 106 102 106 108 -1 -0.2 63 41 92 Y VG F I I MR Kopjar Seed Ltd / Rowley / (403) 368-2409RC Stamp Seeds Ltd. / Enchant / (403) 739-2233S*Limoges Seed Farms Ltd. / Mc Lennan / (780) 324-2335RC Windmill Seeds / Wanham / (780) 694-2427CSY Torach36 103 98 107 102 -1 0.0 63 35 82 Y VG F MS MS MR Lindholm Seed Farm / New Norway / (780) 352-3240RC Wood, James / Elnora / (403) 596-4189RCTracker36 101 84 107 104 -2 0.0 63 35 90 N G G S R I Meinczinger Seed Farms Ltd / Busby / (780) 307-5049CWheatcrest Farms / Lomond / (403) 792-3696C* Previously tested varieties Donjo Farms Ltd. / Carbon / (403) 321-0046C AAC REDBERRY Carberry - check100 100 100 100 104 14.0 63 39 85 Y VG F R MR MR Pembina Flats Seed Farm Inc / Barrhead / (780) 674-5001C BI: AAFC, Dist: Alliance Seed AAC Alida VB45 101 98 103 99 0 -0.2 63 41 91 YG VG I MR MR Mueller Seeds / Three Hills / (403) 820-4115C 2158139 Alberta Ltd / Milk River / (403) 647-2347 FRC FRCAAC Cameron VB42 109 100 118 107 -1 -0.6 62 44 102 Y G F R S I Raynda Seeds / Wainwright / (780) 842-2073Alect Enterprises Ltd. / Three Hills / (403) 443-9599CPenwest Seeds / Three Hills / (403) 443-2577C Dargis, Richard / St. Vincent / (780) 635-2333CAAC Connery42 99 93 103 102 -1 0.2 62 40 88 N VG G I R MR Rasmuson Seed Farm Ltd / Gwynne / (780) 312-1148 FR Didsbury Seeds / Didsbury / (403) 335-3694C* AAC Jatharia VB45 106 96 110 105 0 -0.2 64 43 100 YFG MS I I Rix Farms Ltd. / Wetaskiwin / (780) 360-9234C G.D. Ellis Farms Ltd. / Olds / (403) 556-2890S CAAC LeRoy VB31 105 XX 106 105 0 -0.6 63 41 91 Y G G I MR MR Ruger Farms Ltd. / Didsbury / (403) 556-0693CAAC Redberry42 101 98 105 99 -3 -0.3 63 41 90 Y G G I R IAAC Tisdale45 101 100 101 102 -1 0.6 63 42 93 Y F F MR S MRAAC Viewfield73 110 108 108 113 0 -0.5 64 40 82 Y VG G MR MR ICardale 41 98 95 100 98 -1 -0.1 63 37 88 Y G G S MS MRColeman43 94 88 99 93 -3 -0.1 64 37 101 Y F P S MR MRCDC Abound88 103 99 107 105 -1 -0.1 63 40 87 Y G F I MS SCDC Adamant VB45 104 97 106 104 -1 -0.2 63 39 88 Y P F S MS ICDC Bradwell 42 101 97 105 101 0 -0.1 63 38 93 Y G F R MS ICDC Go 73 102 95 104 104 -1 0.0 62 44 92 Y G P I MS MSCDC Hughes VB45 103 102 103 103 -1 -0.2 63 44 87 Y G G MS I ICDC Landmark VB59 106 100 106 107 -1 -0.2 63 43 88 Y G G MS MR ICDC Plentiful 41 99 95 104 99 -2 -0.2 64 35 94 N G P I MR MR 9407-100 StreetCDC Stanley76 106 103 109 107 -1 -0.1 63 34 97 N G G S I MS CORA KRYWKO Morinville, ABT8R 1R2 CDC Titanium VB41 101 99 106 96 -2 0.5 65 41 95 Y F P I R MRMANAGER Ph. (780) 939-4021 CDC Utmost VB 53 105 105 105 107 -2 -0.3 64 36 95 N G G S I MS www.morinvilleseed.ca Ph. (855) 939-4021 Fax (780) 939-2605Glenn 61 97 96 96 101 -1 -0.4 65 36 94 Y G F I MR I
[email protected] Early42 97 93 103 95 -4 0.4 61 40 100 Y G P MR I IParata45 94 90 94 96 -4 0.2 63 39 94 YF F S MR IShaw VB 53 105 104 105 107 -1 -0.5 63 37 104 N G G MR I MSSuperb 184 105 101 109 109 0 -0.4 62 42 90 Y G F MR S MS SICH FARMS LTDSY Chert VB45 102 94 105 102 0 -0.5 63 40 92 Y F F R R ISY Obsidian45 101 97 103 100 -1 -0.4 63 41 88 Y VG F MS MR MSSY Slate 42 101 98 106 99 -1 0.2 62 41 92 Y F P S MR I 403-588-9904IvanSY Sovite45 97 98 100 95 0 0.0 62 43 92 Y F F MS R MR 403-443-8402MartinThorsby43 99 90 106 99 -2 -0.5 64 38 87 N G F S R I
[email protected]: For explanations on data summarization methods, abbreviations and other pertinent information, please see the comments at the beginning of this publication. * Effective August 1, 2021 the Canadian Grain Commission will designate AAC Redwater and Muchmore to the CNHR wheat class. For more information see the Canadian Grain Commission website www.grainscanada.gc.ca. Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) infection is highly influenced by
[email protected] and heading date. Under high levels of FHB all varieties will sustain damage. Moderately Resistant (MR) and Resistant (R) ratings for FHB do not equate to immunity. Varieties rated Intermediate (I) to Susceptible (S) for bunt should be treated with a systemic seed treatment to reduce the potential for infection. CDC Adamant VB has a solid stem that confers resistance to the wheat stem sawfly. CDC Landmark VB and CDC Hughes VB have a semi-solid stem. CDC Abound is tolerant to the CLEARFIELD herbicides Adrenalin SC and Altitude FX. VB - designates a varietal blend to preserve the Sm1 orange wheat blossom midge tolerance gene. New CWRS registrations:Growing Potential. Growing Production!SY Brawn (PT652), SY Cast (CS11200104-11), SY Crossite (CS11200214-17), AAC Redstar (PT488), AAC Hodge VB (BW1069), AAC Hockley (BW5044) and CDC SKRush (PT599); insufficient data to describe: AAC Hodge VB (BW1069), AAC Hockley (BW5044), CDC SKRush (PT599) and AAC Redstar.= Protected by PBR (UPOV 78), = Protected by PBR (UPOV 91) and= Variety Use Agreement applied (https://seedvaluecreation.ca/). XX - Insufficient data to describe.Flagged for possible removal in 2022. Box 1569Three Hills, AB T0M 2A0Spring 2021 83'