b'2020 Pulse Regional Variety Trials special cropsperformance trials and grower directoryONE OF THE PILLARS of bestand standardized each year to ensure management practices for every crop isconsistency of results across co-operators. selecting one or more varieties which areYield of the check variety is indicatedZone 5well-suited to your growing environmentin bold, with test varieties reported as a and spread production risk. The Albertapercentage of that check variety. All sites Pulse Growers (APG) continues towere inspected at three points during theZone 4fund the pulse regional trials as thegrowing season. Data were statistically information generated empowersanalyzed to ensure validity. Please be farmers to make informed decisions. aware direct variety comparisons should The tables in this publication reportonly be made with the check. the yield data across the five APG zonesAdditional information and specificsZone 3(please refer to the map). In 2020, theon management at each site including sites for each zone were as follows: Zoneseeding date, soil fertility, in-crop 1 - Taber, Lethbridge, Brooks; Zoneherbicide and fungicide applications,Zone 22 - Three Hills, Oyen, Consort, Olds,etc. can be found on the APG website Lacombe; Zone 3 - Fort Saskatchewan,albertapulse.com/rvt or on the APG app. Namaeo, Westlock; Zone 4 - FortWe encourage you to check these out.Vermillion, Smoky River; Zone 5 - St.Questions about these charts or Paul, Vermillion, Forestburg. Due to thegeneral pulse agronomy? Email NevinZone 1extreme wet conditions there was onlyRosaasen (nrosaasen@ albertapulse.com) one site in Zone 3 which had usable data.or Jenn Walker (
[email protected] for seeding, weed, insectcom) or connect with themon Twitter @and disease management, pre-harvestAPGResearch and @APGExtension.and harvest management are reviewed WheatOatsBarleyCanolaPeasFaba BeansTF (800) 444-8961 22252 TWP452Lougheed Co-op Seed Cleaning PlantP (780) 352-3240 RR#1 New Norway,P.O. Box 123, Lougheed, AB, T0B 2V0Manager: Jeremy Simpson, 780-386-3771, F (780) 352-6943 Alberta, T0B 3L0
[email protected], lougheedprocessing.ca
[email protected] FOR: PEDIGREED SEED Yellow Peas CPS WheatFOR SALE - CDC Lewochko - AAC Penhold Wheat: Barley: - LN4228 - CS Accelerate 403-443-2577 AAC Brandon AB CattlelacAAC Redberry CDC Fraser - CDC Amarillo OatsAAC Viewfield Peas: Green Peas - CS Camden 780-777-5885 AAC Wheatland CDC ForestAAC Starbuck CDC Greenwater - CDC Limerick Malt BarleyOats: - AAC Comfort - AAC SynergyHolmstrom Seed Farm 780-385-5330 CDC Arborg Faba Beans - CDC Copeland- Snowbird - AAC ConnectHRS Wheat Feed Barley- AAC Viewfield - CDC CoalitionSeed Treating Available - AAC Brandon - Canmore- AAC Connery - SirishSpring 2021 119'