b'MESSAGES | Alberta Seed ProcessorsAT TIME OF WRITING near the end of September, I have to say it feels good to have harvest all wrapped up. After the drought of 2021, the past growing season turned out positive. Unfortunately, we had a taste of severe weather in the form of a hailstorm that caused a collateral damage to many farms as well as ours. Losing the most beautiful corn crop produced on light brown soils also hurt. Fortunately, repairs can be made, and yields were good enough not to cause major shortages from lost crop. Farm work comes with a perpetual To Do List with tasks to tie up the current year, as well as getting ready for the next. Each year the priorities on the list changelately supply chain issues coupled with inflation have increased the urgency of securing parts, crop inputs, fuel, as well as machinery for next year. Planning for next year takes a lot of resource. Taking stock of the current situation, and analyzing what worked, what didnt and what needs to change is the constant renewal process of farming. One of Thomas Edisons quotes really fits agriculture: Theres a way to do betterfind it. This issue of Alberta Seed Guide (ASG) is all about new frontiers in Alberta agriculture. Theres a focus on leaders in the industry creating better barley varieties that have better potential market uptake by maltsters and by extension brewers. Better pulse market opportunities have been highlighted in this issue in the article about building domestic pulse fractionation capacity. Better ways to manage disease and insects is featured in the Fusarium management article as well as the piece regarding a rather unknown pest, the wheat head armyworm. One thing that is for certain: new frontiers @CoppockT constantly open up in the agriculture space because someone found a better
[email protected] The fall issue of ASG is always about producing better crops by utilizing the best(403) 489-9999 quality seed. Alberta Seed Processors (ASP) have 67 members operating 68 farmer-owned seed processing facilities. In 2023, ASP will be celebrating our 70th year of supplying seed and grain processing services in Alberta and the Peace region of British Columbia. The quest for better has resulted in innovation and reinvestment to upgrade facilities to current day standards, with the most recent new build scheduled to open near Camrose, Atla. later this year. New frontiers have been developed at select seed processing co-ops in the form of grain marketing and producer car administrative services, feed sales, as well as being hubs for pedigreed seed sales. A key customer service offered by most locations includes submission of seed samples to accredited laboratories. Knowing seed quality is a crop management practise that will never go out of styleknow what you grow, test your seed.Keep looking for a better wayTom Coppock, President, Alberta Seed ProcessorsFall 2022 5'