b'MESSAGES | Alberta-British Columbia Seed GrowersGREETINGS! I hope youre wrapping up a successful harvest in 2022 and that your crop is binned and dried down. Its safe to say this harvest season has exceeded recent years. Along with better farming conditions, its been a breath of fresh air to welcome back customers into our offices. The past year has been very exciting! As you may know, during the last couple of virtual meeting seasons, weve officially expanded our organization and are now the Alberta-British Columbia Seed Growers Association. Our two organizations have long shared the same goals. This expansion strengthens our regional, provincial, and federal advocacy efforts and will open the door to new marketing and educational opportunities.The regulations that oversee how pedigreed seed is certified are under review. The federal government is looking at modernizing the seed certification framework to make the process easier to use, more aligned with modern practices, and to strengthen consumer protection. Throughout the winter of 2021-2023, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) will run a series of consultations with stakeholders to examine options. The Canadian Seed Growers Association (CSGA) has released their recommendations to CFIA. To learn more or read CSGAs recommendations, visit this link: https://seedgrowers.ca/seed-regulatory-modernization/. Certification verifies each field of seed crop produces a genetically pure lot of seed; it must be free of chaff, weeds, other crops, and it has exceptionally high germination. @abseedgrower If you have any questions about these quality control processes do not hesitate to
[email protected] seed grower, or contact our Executive Director Kelly Chambers via email at kelly@ (403) 325-0081 abcseedgrowers.ca. In this edition of the Alberta Seed Guide, our editorial team has developed several excellent articles. Take note of the current increase in wheat head armyworms or find out how plant breeding can help manage Fusarium Head Blight (FHB). To shop for the newest pedigreed seed varieties, check out the grower directory in the last section of this issue. I encourage you to call or email a local seed grower. They have a wealth of knowledge about how well the new varieties perform in your area and can help you select what will work best for your farm.As we return to in-person meetings, we plan to spend more time with our members. On Feb. 2, 2023 we will host an in-person annual general meeting in Edmonton, Alta. Make sure you save the date! For more information and registration, please visit our website at www.abcseedgrowers.ca. In closing, thank you for supporting the seed guide, and best wishes for a safe and friendly holiday season. Regards,Tracy Niemela,President, Alberta-British Columbia Seed Growers4seed.ab.ca'