b'Bayer-DeKalb DK900TF Mid maturity 110.1% ofR to blackleg Combines strong performance and (888) 283-6847 TruFlex DKTF 96 SC.R to clubroot excellent disease protection. This DeKalb.ca Source: 34R to fusariumhigh yield potential hybrid has excel-Bayer Marketwilt lent harvestability with test results Developmentshowing a yield increase over DKTF trials (2020,96 SC 2021). YourStraight cut plus hybrid with built in results maytrait for improved pod integrity and vary accordingenhanced pod shatter protection to agronomic,TruFlex canola provides enhanced environmentalweed control and flexibility in spray and pest vari- timing and rates ables. Clubrootresistance to currentlyCANOLApredominate pathotypesDK901TF Mid maturity 104.1% ofR to blackleg Offers a new novel source of multi-TruFlex DKTF 98 CR.R to clubroot genetic clubroot resistance within the Source: 34R to fusariumDeKalb Bayer Marketwilt hybrid lineup that provides durable Developmentprotection against a broad spectrum trials (2020,of clubroot pathotypes including 3H, 2021). Your3A, 2B and 5L results mayHigh yield potential hybrid with vary accordingstraight cut genetics giving harvest to agronomic,flexibility to delay swathing or straight environmentalcut and pest vari- TruFlex canola provides enhanced ables. weed control and flexibility in spray timing and rates Mid-maturity, similar to DKTF 98 CR. Well suited to all clubroot zones testedLougheed Co-op Seed Cleaning PlantP.O. Box 123, Lougheed, AB, T0B 2V0Manager: Jeremy Simpson, 780-386-3771Email:
[email protected]: lougheedprocessing.caRETAILERS FOR: PEDIGREED SEEDFOR SALE403-443-2577 Wheat: Barley:AAC Brandon AB CattlelacAAC Redberry CDC Fraser780-777-5885 AAC Viewfield EsmaAAC WheatlandAAC Starbuck Peas:780-385-5330 AAC CarverOats:CDC ArborgSeed Treating AvailableFall 2022 61'