b'Nutrien Ag AAC Broadacres0 days to 109% Carberry R - stem andExtremely high yieldsSolutions VB Carberry leaf rust Very good lodging ratingProven Seed MR - stripe rust Resistant to stem and leaf rustnutrienagsolutions.ca I - FHB WHEATprovenseed.ca CDC Covert-2 days to103% R - seaf andHigh yieldingDurum Strongfield Strongfield stripe rust, bunt Good proteinGood lodgingPenwest Seeds Forefront +2 days AAC104% AACMR to rust High yield(403) 443-2577 CPS Penhold Penhold Strong strawpenwestseeds.ca Excellent qualityOTHERVariety Name/ Disease/Pest Company Type Maturity Yield Resistance HighlightsCanterra SeedsKalio Earlier than106% of CSMR to crownHigh yield potential with consistent (866) 744-4321 Hulless oats Summit (-2 days) Camdenrust andhigh beta-glucan content OTHERcanterra.com barley yellowShorter stature with excellentdwarf (testedstandabilityinEasternSuitable for grain, forage and silageCanada)Kyron Earlier than CDC100% of CSI to crown rustHigh yield potential with consistent Hulless oats Endure (-2 days)Camdenand MR tohigh beta-glucan contentand CDC Arborgbarley yellowEarlier maturity without (-1 day) dwarf (testedcompromising the yield potentialin EasternHigh test weightCanada)2023 Seed VarietiesAAC Brandon HRS WheatAAC Viewfield HRS WheatAAC Penhold CPS WheatCS Accelerate CPS WheatCS Camden OatsCanmore BarleySirish BarleyEsma Barley*Other Varieties Available Upon Request*Contact Wetaskiwin Co-op Agro780-352-3359I1-888-352-NPKSOur GROW Team is available to assist with all of your farms needsSoil Sampling l Crop Planning l Field ScoutingCrop Protection l Nutrient Planning & Management3702 47th StWetaskiwin ABT9A [email protected] 2022 69'