b'GREETINGS | Government of AlbertaFall 2022Albertaseedguide|@ABseedguideKelly Chambers, Monica Klaas, Executive Director,General Manager, P.O. Box 50035 P.O. Box 2800RPO Cornerstone Plaza Claresholm, AB T0L 0T0 Okotoks, AB T1S 0C4Office: (403) 489-9999Ph: (403) 325-0081
[email protected]@abcseedgrowers.caPUBLISHED BY 200-449 Main Street Box 478Oakbank, MB R0E 1J0(204)
[email protected]@NateHornerAB|
[email protected] THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE, Forestry and RuralShawn BrookEconomic Development, its my pleasure to extend greetings toMANAGING EDITORMichelle ClarkeAlberta Seed Guide readers on behalf of the Alberta government.EDITORFollowing a few difficult years for our agriculture sector, 2022Ashley Robinsonis shaping up to be an above average growing season with aCONTRIBUTORSsolid harvest. We have faced many challenges together and haveAlly Roden, Jim Timlick, Madeleine Baerg, Marc Zienkiewicz,come out stronger than before. Trevor BacqueAlbertas government continues to work with farmers,ADVERTISING SALES ranchers, and processors to ensure they have the support theyCraig Armstrong, Aiden Brook, Dean French, Sam Mostafaneed. Due to various global events, we know that the priceMARKETINGof many common farm inputs has increased significantly, andCharlene McIvor, Laura Burtnyk, Theresa RamsoomairAlbertas government has taken action to support producers byCREATIVE lowering the cost of fuel, electricity and natural gas.Kyle Dratowany, Lesley Nakonechny, Theresa RamsoomairRural Alberta is helping to lead Albertas economic growth.CIRCULATION Dean FrenchWhile engaging with rural stakeholders over the past year, government heard clearly that rural challenges are uniqueThe Alberta Seed Guide makes no expressed or implied warranties and need different approaches than what works in urbanof merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or otherwise, concerning the use of any product and assumes no liability for any settings. Based on this, were building a plan for rural economicinjury or damage, direct or consequential, incurred from the use of such development that includes key strategies and measurableproducts or services therein. Federal, Provincial, and Municipal laws and actions to ensure rural Albertans have economic opportunitiesregulations supersede the information contained herein.where they live.Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to the Winnipeg office:Agri-food is the largest manufacturing industry in theSeed World Groupprovince, with a record $20.1 billion in sales in 2021. The200-449 Main Street Box 478Oakbank, MB R0E 1J0Agri-food Investment and Growth Strategy capitalizes on key opportunities to meet growth targets set to attract investment,PRINTED IN CANADAcontinue to grow, and diversify the agri-food industry andINTERESTED IN ADVERTISING?create jobs. Please direct all sales or distribution inquiries to Dean French atI look forward to building on this momentum and supporting(204) 453-1965 ext 824 or via email at
[email protected] agri-food sectors continued growth!Reproduction in whole, or in part, is prohibited without writtenpermission from the publisher.Nate Horner Publications Mail Agreement No. 0042518524Minister, Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Economic Development6seed.ab.ca'