b'MESSAGES | Alberta Seed GrowersON BEHALF of Alberta Seed Growers (ASG) I hope your farm managed to get harvest safely in the bin for 2021.And as we wrap up another crop year, I must say what a year its been! Most if not all farmers across the province were impacted by the hot, dry weather. The southern part of the province received little precipitation year-over-year while parts of the north faced drought after several years of flooding. Add to that the thick smoke from forest fires to the west and we had all the symptoms of climate change.Survey results from this past August indicated province-wide seed production would be slightly below average. In response to this, the Canadian Seed Growers Association (CSGA) worked with its branch offices to ensure there would be sufficient certified seed for the 2022 crop season. It also provided its growers with the opportunity to have all seed crop acres inspected by waiving late application fees. Our seed finder (www.seed.ab.ca) and seed locator (seedlocator.net) listings have also been updated as quickly as possible this year, so farmers know what seed is available and where. Talk to your local seed grower or retailer early for the best selection of the new or popular varieties as the most sought-after varieties could be out-of-stock early this fall.To ensure youre getting quality seed, watch for the blue tag, which verifies you are buying certified seed. Even if you buy your seed bulk, your seed retailer can provide proof of certification, or check to see if your retailer is listed here in the Alberta Seed Guide. A certified seed supply is genetically pure (with the traits the plant breeder @abseedgrower intended), free of weed seeds and other impurities and has been tested to verify it [email protected] high germination percentage. There may be common seed available but there are(403) 325-0081 no regulations in place to ensure you are getting a high-quality seed input for your 2022 crop season. Seed growers have already grown the newer varieties for several generations to increase the certified seed available. They can answer your questions to help you find the next best variety for your farm.Members of our board were out sharing their insights about the certified seed industry at two events this summer, the Lacombe Field Day, and AgSmart at Olds College. We were lucky to have great weather and attendance at both events, but more importantly they were long overdue opportunities to speak with farmers and industry experts in person! Well likely continue supporting these events as they are great opportunities for our board members to share information about how plant breeding can help with agronomic challenges, which new varieties are on the horizon and what other technologies are available to assist with crop production. These events are also important for us, as they keep us connected to what is happening on the landscape. Send us an invite if youd like to see us at an upcoming event, virtual or in person.Looking forward, we are hopeful that we will be able to meet up with our customers as soon as we can safely do so. Late this spring we made the difficult decision to step back from co-hosting the annual FarmTech event and at the time of publication, we dont know if next years event will proceed but if it does, watch for us there!We are also in the process of determining how to proceed with our 2022 annual general meeting event for next year. But regardless of what the event will look like, we want you there! Make sure to save the date for the first Thursday in February. In closing, thank you for your support of the Alberta Seed Guide, and best wishes for a safe and restful winter season. Regards,Tracy Niemela,President, Alberta Seed Growers4seed.ab.ca'