51 Advancing Seed in Alberta | spring.2018 FEED AND FOOD BARLEY Variety 2 or 6 row Awn Type Overall Station Years of Testing Overall Yield Yield Category (% AC Metcalfe): Agronomic Characteristics: Disease Tolerance: Low < 75 (bu/ ac) Medium 75 - 100 (bu/ac) High 100 - 125 (bu/ac) V. High > 125 (bu/ac) Mat. Rating Test Weight (lb/bu) TKW (g) Height (cm) Resis. to Ldg Loose Smut Other Smuts Root Rot Scald Net Blotch: FHB Spot form Net form GENERAL PURPOSE Varieties tested in the 2017 trials (Yield, significant differences and agronomic data only directly comparable to AC Metcalfe) AC Metcalfe (bu/ac) 100 59 88 110 137 AC Metcalfe 2 R 100 100 100 100 100 M 52 46 79 F R I I S I S I Altorado 2 R 39 112+ XX 117 109+ 114+ M 52 48 74 G MR MR MR S MR S I CDC Austenson 2 R 77 112+ 110 112+ 110+ 115+ L 53 47 78 G S R I S R MS I Champion 2 R 178 112+ 120+ 111+ 111+ 111+ M 53 49 76 G S R MR S I S I Claymore 2 R 54 113+ 106 113+ 110+ 118+ L 51 47 77 G S R I S I S I Oreana 2 R 54 111+ 105 108+ 115+ 114+ L 53 50 66 VG S R I S MR S S Previously tested varieties (Yield, significant differences and agronomic data only directly comparable to AC Metcalfe) Brahma 2 R 87 111+ 112+ 109+ 113+ 111+ M 53 47 74 G MS R MR S I I I Busby 2 R 45 104+ 107 103 106 103 M 53 49 78 G S MR S I MR MS I CDC Coalition 2 R 57 110+ 107 112+ 108+ 109+ L 53 47 74 G R R I S MR S I CDC Cowboy 2 R 75 95- 107 94- 93- 96- L 52 55 103 F MS MR I MS MR I MR CDC Maverick 2 S 43 95- XX 90- 97 96 M 54 55 98 F S R I MS MR I MR CDC Trey 2 R 106 103+ 101 105+ 101 105+ M 52 50 80 G MS R MR MS R I I Canmore 2 R 40 107+ XX 104 111+ 108+ M 52 49 73 G R R I MR MR MS I CONLON 2 S 63 94- 97 93- 93- 96- VE 52 52 80 G I I MR S MR I MR Gadsby 2 R 45 112+ XX 114+ 114+ 108+ M 53 51 83 F R R I R MR MS I Ponoka † 2 R 120 108+ 101 107+ 110+ 109+ L 51 46 80 G R R I MR MR MS I Seebe † 2 R 229 101 97 100 102 100 VL 52 50 86 G S R I MR MS S MR XENA † 2 R 271 112+ 111+ 109+ 114+ 112+ M 52 49 77 G MS MS MR S I S MR AC Harper † 6 SS 166 103+ 95 96- 102 111+ M 48 40 80 G MS I I I I I MS AC Ranger 6 S 48 107+ 101 99 118+ 107+ L 49 43 74 F MS I MR MS MR I S AC Rosser † 6 S 166 108+ 101 102 109+ 113+ M 48 41 82 G MS R MR S MR I S Amisk 6 SS 40 105+ XX 105 104 108+ M 49 46 69 VG S MS MS I MR I S Chigwell 6 S 43 104 XX 98 106 111+ M 49 41 76 G MS MR MS MR MR I S Muskwa † 6 S 44 105+ XX 103 105 110+ M 50 42 73 G MS R MS MR MR MS S Sundre 6 S 72 110+ 100 105 112+ 117+ L 51 43 86 G MS R MS R I MS S Trochu 6 S 136 107+ 101 102 109+ 112+ M 49 41 78 G MS MR MR I MR S I Vivar 6 R 175 109+ 97 105+ 109+ 115+ M 49 44 73 VG I R MR I MR R S HULLESS Varieties tested in the 2017 trials (Yield, significant differences and agronomic data only directly comparable to AC Metcalfe) CDC Ascent ▲ 2 R 27 95- XX 102 92 94- M 60 44 81 G MR MR I MS MR S MR Previously tested varieties (Yield, significant differences and agronomic data only directly comparable to AC Metcalfe) CDC Carter † 2 R 45 97- 97 99 94- XX M 62 39 77 VG R R S MS MR I I CDC McGwire † 2 R 107 93- 88- 93- 99 XX M 61 39 80 VG MS MR MR I MR I MR Falcon 6 S 181 83- 72- 83- 91- 89 E 58 35 68 VG MS MR I I I I S Tyto † 6 S 72 81- 79- 84- 96 96 M 55 40 73 VG S R I MS I S MS REMARKS: For explanations on data summarization methods, abbreviations and other pertinent information, please see the comments at the beginning of this publication. The long-term average maturity for AC Metcalfe is 95 days and is rated as Medium (M). Varieties rated Intermediate (I) to Susceptible (S) for smuts should be treated with a systemic seed treatment to reduce the potential for infection. Hulless varieties leave the hull in the field and thus grain yields comparable to hulled varieties are 9-12% lower. Handling of hulless varieties should be minimized to avoid seed damage. CDC Carter, CDC McGwire, Falcon and Tyto are normal starch barleys suitable for food use. New registrations: CDC Ascent (HB13324). † - Flagged for possible removal in 2019. ▲= Applied for PBR protection. = Protected by the 1978 Act of the UPOV Convention. = Protected by the 1991 Act of the UPOV Convention. cereals – performance trials and grower directory