45 Advancing Seed in Alberta | spring.2018 At least six station-years of yield data collected over two years are required prior to reporting the figures in this publication. For new varieties, Overall Yield is often the first indication of yield potential relative to the check. As additional data become available, yield performance is also expressed on the basis of environmental productivity (Yield Test Categories of Low, Medium, High and Very High). Yield rankings among varieties can change substantially due to growing conditions. To reflect these differences, results from a test site that produced high yield in a particular year are placed into the database for ‘high’ yielding environments. The same site may contribute to the ‘low’ yield category in a drought year, when yields are low. Consistent performance over all Yield Test Categories indicates that a variety has environmental responses similar to the check and may have good yield stability over a wide range of environments. Scientific studies conducted on variety performance in western Canada have shown that Yield Test Category analysis provides a more reliable indication of yield performance than results organized by geographic region. The yield comparison tables have several features: •  Overall actual yield of the check (bushels/acre) based on all data available to the testing program is provided along with the number of station years of testing. • The range in yield for each Yield Test Category is defined. • Actual yield of the check in each Yield Test Category is reported. •  For varieties with sufficient data, the Overall Yield and performance in each Yield Test Category is expressed relative to the check. • Significant statistical differences relative to the check are indicated. Yields that are statistically higher (+) or lower (-) than the check are indicated to aid in the selection process. No symbol after the yield figure indicates there is no statistical difference from the check. Pay particular attention to data on new varieties that have not been fully tested. If a large difference from the check is reported but is not significant, it could mean that yields have varied widely, and/or there are not enough data to prove a statistical difference. With additional years of testing, the reported yield differences will become more accurate. To make effective use of the yield comparison tables, producers should set a realistic yield target for the season and determine where it fits within the Low, Medium, High and Very High Yield Test Categories. This approach facilitates matching of variety choice to expected productivity levels and is similar to that used when making decisions on other levels of inputs. Please note the actual yield levels indicated are from small plot trials, which may be 15 to 20 per cent higher than yields expected under commercial production. Maturity Ratings As is the case for yield, growing conditions have a tremendous influence on the date of STORM PRO STORM FX SEED TREATING MADE EASY 855.662.6609 | stormtreaters.com STORM (Seed Treatment Optimized Rate Metering) is the latest innovation in seed treating equipment. The STORM series includes; STORM FX for the ultimate seed treating solution for a modern-day farming operation, and STORM PRO for commercial applicators who rely on speed, accuracy and flexibility to get the job done fast, while meeting new industry requirements for seed treating. Whatever your needs are, STORM has the seed treating solution for you. maturity. For example, a variety of CWRS wheat may mature in 98 days in Lethbridge, but take 103 days in Edmonton. Likewise, a two-day difference in maturity between varieties in southern Alberta may amount to a five-day difference in a more northerly location. To take this into account, maturity is expressed using a five-category scale: Very Early, Early, Medium, Late and Very Late. To aid producers with this relative scale, the average number of days to maturity for the check is reported. Note this scale is different for each crop type. For example, an early barley variety will mature much earlier than an early flax variety.